Congregational Care Team
The Congregational Care Team is to ensure that the care needs of the Tahlequah UMC congregation are met. We have three areas of focus for care in our congregation. These teams work together and separate to provide the best care we can for all who come into the life of Tahlequah United Methodist Church. To connect with this ministry connect with Pastor Shana Dry.
Care Team
We welcome visitors for worship with a follow-up phone call. Continue contact with repeat visitors with phone calls, emails, cards, and visits. We visit our shut-in members several times a year. We also mail cards each week for various Congregational Care needs. We stay connected via Email to Care team members for prayer concerns. Lela Stowers leads this team.
Guest Connections Team
Helps connect and welcome guests to the life of the Church in worship and other events. Rosilyn Warren leads this team.
ReConnection Team
Our ReConnection team is a new ministry to help reconnect those who have not been to our Church in some time. Pastor Shana Dry leads this team.