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A Pastoral Letter from Rev. Matt Franks

Tahlequah United Methodist Church Family and Friends,

With a heavy heart and hope for the future, I am writing to inform you that Bishop Karen Oliveto of the Mountain Sky Annual Conference intends to appoint me to serve in a congregation within the Mountain Sky Annual Conference. At this time I cannot share where we will be moving and will be able to share at a later date.

Ashley, Laura and Emily, and I will miss this town and this church so much, we have made great memories and friends here. It has been a blessing to serve this community for the last almost 5 years. Church, we have endured a lot, and because we have endured this gives me hope for the congregation's future. I will have dates on celebrations and things at a future date.

The words from Deuteronomy 31:6 have provided me some comfort this week, it reads: “Be strong! Be fearless! Don’t be afraid and don’t be scared by your enemies, because the Lord your God is the one who marches with you. He won’t let you down, and he won’t abandon you.”

During this transition, pray. Pray that God will be with all of us through this season, to help us be strong, fearless, and not afraid. God is with us. God loves us. God will take care of us.

Peace be with you,

Rev. Matt Franks

Lead Pastor


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