Connect, Serve, and Grow with us at Tahlequah United Methodist Church a United Methodist Community who strives to be a Church of Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors as we make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of ourselves and of the world.
The Connect, Serve, and Grow is info that is going on in the Church. You can find a printed copy at the Church. But sometimes we have some last-minute unprinted additions.

Upcoming TUMC Opportunities
Overeaters Anonymous
Tuesday nights at 6pm
If you are interested in learning about the 12 Steps in Overeaters Anonymous, please join us. The meetings are open and any person who wants to refrain from compulsive eating or eating behaviors is encouraged to attend. The meetings are on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. in Room 323. Please use the side door off State Street and take the elevator up to the 3rd floor.
Celebration for Jim Masters
There will be a celebration of Jim Masters’ life in the Activity building on February 1, at noon. Everyone is welcome. This will be a potluck, so bring a dish to share.
Free Meal! And hear about McCurdy Ministries Community Center
Claremore First United Methodist Church
Friday, February 7 – 6:30 p.m.
All are invited to a wonderful district-wide dinner to learn more about McCurdy Ministries Community Center* in Española, New Mexico.
The FREE McCurdy dinner will feature southwestern cuisine and will be followed by a presentation by Patricia Alvarado, Executive Director; Rev. Diana Loomis, Director of Development and Church Relations; and Amanda Gonzales, Director of Project Cariño (mental health counseling program). They will be sharing the story of the past, present, and future of this 107-year-old ministry to the children and families of Northern New Mexico.
Please let Linda Polson, McCurdy Board Member, know by February 3rd if you can attend so we can prepare plenty of delicious food for everyone. Text Linda at 918-855-8783 or email her at
If you want a ride to the event please contact James Bond at James Bond for details: (918) 456-3667 or email:
Mission Trip Opportunity
McCurdy Ministries (Española, NM) March 28-April 4, 2020
Tentative Schedule
Depart from Tahlequah UMC at 8:00am on March 28
Return to church about 10:00pm on April 4
Estimated Cost$400/ person (final cost depends upon the number of volunteers going) to cover lodging and meals at McCurdy, travel and registration expenses
Out-of-pocket expenses: to cover 10 meals on the road, touring and souvenirs, other personal purchases
Background Check through local church (if your latest was before April 1, 2017)
$100 non-refundable deposit due by December 6, 2019 make check to Tahlequah United Methodist Church in MEMO line, write “DR803-McCurdy”
Space is limited, so contact James Bond for details: (918) 456-3667 or
UMCOR ERT Training — Learn what you can do as a volunteer and as a church; the role of an Early Response Team before, during and after a disaster, and the role of the Methodist Church in a time of disaster. Become an UMCOR-certified member of the Green Country District ERT in just one training day. Led by Tim McHugh, Oklahoma Conference Disaster Coordinator.
CHOOSE SESSION A: WHEN: Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020 – 8 AM to 4 PM WHERE: Sand Springs United Methodist Church, 319 N Main, Sand Springs, OK 74063-7678
OR CHOOSE SESSION B: WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 22, 2020 – 8 AM to 4 PM WHERE: Okmulgee First United Methodist Church, 302 S Seminole Ave, Okmulgee, OK 74447-4930
EITHER SESSION: COST: $35, payable to Green Country District UMC at the training session. INCLUDED: Lunch, Snacks, UMC ERT T-Shirt, and UMCOR ERT Certification Badge REGISTRATION: Via email
How Do I Connect with the Church?
If you are interested in serving in the Church please connect with the Pastors we would love for you to be connected to the Church to help you grow on your faith journey. We have many places for you to grow.
Email the Pastors
Lead Pastor Matt Franks
Associate Pastor of Congregational Care and the NSU Wesley Foundation Director
Rev. Shana Dry
This Weeks Scripture Readings
Sunday: John 1:29-42
Monday: Isaiah 49:1-7
Tuesday: Psalm 40:1-11
Wednesday: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Thursday: John 1:29-42
Friday: Colossians 3:12-14
This Weeks Prayer
Lord, we thank you that our churches are like big families.
Lord, let your spirit of reconciliation blow over all the earth.
Let Christians live your love.
Lord, we praise you in Europe’s cathedrals, in America’s offerings, And in our African songs of praise.
Lord, we thank you that we have brothers and sisters in all the world.
Be with them that make peace.
From: ~West Africa found in the Desmond Tutu- An African Prayer Book (Kindle Locations 810-814). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Please lift up the following names in prayer: The United Methodist Church, Our Bishop Jimmy Nunn, Our District Superintendent: Rev. Terry Koehn, The NSU Wesley Foundation, Our Little Sprouts Preschool, Our Pastors: Matt and Shana, All of our Local Schools.
Names given to the office for prayer: Pat Brock, Bettye Burchette, Barbara Chambers, Maddie Cochran, Duffy Dry, Drucilla Hackworth, Marsha Hinds, The Kavanaghs, Ellen Mathews, Paula & Lee Rippetoe, Louene Scarsdale, Lela Stowers, Don Stucky, Monika Mann, John & Debbie Jensen, The Prewitt Family, Cleo Hixon, Peggy Cotton, Steve & Cindy Ullom.
Our Military: Robert Isaacson, Dee Mayne Bullock Seminary Student: Cody Robinson
This Weeks Birthdays: Nick Shaw-Bolen, George Parker, Paula Rippetoe, BJ Baker, Barbra Cook, Bob Scarsdale, Drake Tobey, Kathleen Daniel