Lent 2018 The Path To The Cross
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. It marks the beginning of a period of reflection and penance. In the Bible, sprinkling oneself with ashes was traditionally a sign of one’s sorrow for having committed sins. In the Christian tradition, Ash Wednesday also marked the beginning of preparation for the understanding of the death and resurrection of Christ. The particular symbolism of ashes for this day comes from a practice in the Roman Catholic churches in which the ashes from the palms used in the preceding year’s Palm Sunday celebration are blessed. With these ashes, the priest on the first day of Lent marks a cross on the forehead of each worshiper. This practice has become a part of Ash Wednesday services in many United Methodist Churches. So start your Lenten journey off right by joining us Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. for our Ash Wednesday Service.
Lenten Growth Groups
Starts the Week of Feb. 18th Study: A Disciple’s Path Deepening Your Relationship with Christ and the Church by James A. Harnish
Book Cost: Daily Workbook $9.00 Campion Reader $7.00 Books can be purchased through the office.
Growth Groups George Warren and Ashley Franks Sunday School Class
Sunday Nights 5:00 p.m. Led by Cody Robinson
Wednesday Nights 6:00 p.m. Led by Pastor Matt Franks
If you want to lead your own group or you plan on attending one please speak to Pastor Matt