Trip Theme: Sent Out Luke 9:1-6
Jesus called the Twelve together and he gave them power and authority over all demons and to heal sicknesses. 2 He sent them out to proclaim God’s kingdom and to heal the sick. 3 He told them, “Take nothing for the journey—no walking stick, no bag, no bread, no money, not even an extra shirt. 4 Whatever house you enter, remain there until you leave that place. 5 Wherever they don’t welcome you, as you leave that city, shake the dust off your feet as a witness against them.”6 They departed and went through the villages proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.
We are sent out in name of Jesus and how we respond to being sent matters. So we are sent out to Houston to help those who are still suffering from the effects of Hurricane Harvey.
Trip Finances
Registration Fee $100.00
(There are some scholarships are available please speak to team leader.)
Team Members are responsible for raising at least $150.00 per person.
Total Amount $250.00
Budget for the trip (Will be adjusted depending on Group size)
Travel Expenses $1,000
Projects $500
Food: $2,000
Admin. Fees: $1,000
Entertainment: $500
Misc. $500
Total Budget: $5,500
Ways to Raise Funds
Fundraising Letters (included in this document)
Fat Tuesday Pancake and Sausage Lunch (TBA)
Personal Asks
Host Church: Christ Church UMC Sugar Land They have 3 worship services on Sunday we will all attend the late service together however you can attend the other two services if you are a church junkie. We will be showering off site. You will need to pack shower gear when you go out to work.
Mission Trip Projects
TBA at Jan. 27th But will be working with ReBuild Houston an organization that is helping to Rebuild Houston after Harvey.
Barebones Schedule:
(schedule will change, remember Blessed are the flexible for they bend.)
March 15th
7:00 p.m. Loading Time and Prayer Service
March 16th
6:30 a.m. Arrive at Church (eat breakfast before you come)
7:00 a.m. Depart (the rest of the schedule will depend upon our travel)
March 17th
8 a.m. Breakfast Schedule will depend on host Church
8 p.m. Worship
10:00 p.m. Quiet Time
11:00 p.m. Lights Out
March 18-20th
7:00 a.m. Breakfast
7:30 a.m. Morning Devotion
Rest of the Day will depend upon our worksites
8 p.m. Worship
10:00 p.m. Quiet Time
11:00 p.m. Lights Out
March 21st
Sightseeing Day (schedule will be determined mid-february.)
March 22nd
7 a.m. Depart
6 p.m. Arrive Home
Registration: Click Here
You can mail your check into Tahlequah FUMC 300 W. Delaware Tahlequah, Ok 74464
Make your Check out to Tahlequah FUMC In your check memo line please put Spring Break Mission Trip.
Last Day to register is Jan. 27th