A thanksliving life is a life where we live out of the gifts God has given us to help build God’s kingdom here and now. When we give and live out a life of thanks to God we will be transformed into the person whom God has created into being.
Our Stewardship focus this year is living a life out, the abundance that God has given us. Thanksliving is the term that comes to mind when I think about this. We give because God first gave to us.
How To Use This Devotional
Read, Reflect and Respond. These are three words that I use when I am doing a devotional book or a prayer practice. First read the devotional, then take a deep breath and jot down your reflection: what spoke to you, where did God speak to you in the devotional and last what is God calling you to do? And then I pray a simple prayer… “Lord help me respond to your calling. Amen.
This book as a devotional a day. Sunday is Sabbath day so come and join us in worship and you don’t have the work of a devotion. My prayer is that you use this as a tool to help you grow closer to God. May God be with you as you use this devotional.
You can follow each day on this site we will post everyday or you can download it here.
Here is this weeks Sermon Video.