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TUMC Worship Info for 12.4.22

9 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages Adult Zoom Option Available

10 a.m. Worship online on our Facebook Page and Youtube Channel

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Celebration of the Gospel

Tahlequah First United Methodist Church

December 4, 2022, 10:00 am

Second Sunday of Advent

We Gather from the World to Praise God

Prelude Organist: Ramona Frazier

Welcome and Announcements Rev. Shana Dry

Choral Introit: “While By Our Sleeping Flock We Lay”

Tradition: German

+Call to Worship Liturgist

One: We come to prepare the way;

All: The way for Christ –

One: The hope of Christ, the peace of Christ –

All: to enter our world, to enter our hearts.

One: We cry out together in the wilderness:

All: The kingdom of heaven has come near.

One: We come to be part of the light–

All: the light that shines in the darkness.

+Hymn of Praise “Jesus, Name Above All Names” TFWS # 2071

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 40:1-5 Liturgist

Lighting of the Advent Candle The Lawrence Family

“Candle Light, Sacred Light” (Tune of “Silent Night”)

We Pray for Ourselves

Prayer of Confession

We are incredibly stubborn, O Lord. We have entered the season in which Your Light has been given to the world, your blessings have been poured out on the world, and yet all we can think about is our own problems, our own needs, our own desires. Help us to desire you, Lord. Help us to yearn for your presence. Pour your baptismal waters over us again, cleansing us from our self-pity and arrogance. Nourish and heal us so that we may joyfully serve you. Wash away our jealousy, greed, and all negative thoughts and behaviors that stand in the way of our truly being the people you have called us to be. Again let us receive the blessings offered in creation, in the birth and baptism of Jesus, and in the ministry of the saints of light. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

Assurance of Pardon:

The love of God is always offered to us, freely, joyfully, for all eternity.

Rejoice, dear friends, this is the Good News of our Lord. AMEN.

We Pray for Our Children

Baptism Presley Lawrence

“God Claims You” TFWS # 2249

Children’s Story Abigail Shaw-Bolen

“Away In A Manger” (Verse 1) UMH # 217

(Children who wish will depart for Children’s church)

We Pray for our Neighbors

Today we pray for…. Rev. Shana Dry

For prayer requests, please fill out the yellow card in the pews and bring it up to the front to the prayer basket during the first hymn, or submit a prayer request online to our website

After each prayer request is read:

Pastor: Lord in your mercy, All: Hear our Prayer

We Lift up: The United Methodist Church, Our Bishop Jimmy Nunn, and Our District Superintendent: Rev. Terry Koehn, Our Pastor Shana Dry, The NSU Wesley Foundation, All of our Local Schools, All of our Health Care Workers, Our Teachers, Support Staffs, and School Administration, All our Assisted Living Church Members. All of our Government leaders, local, state and national. All struggling with the Pandemic.

Our Church Family: Barbara Chambers, Monika Mann, John & Debbie Jensen, Cleo Hixon, Steve & Cindy Ullom, Pat and Vera Freeman, George Foster, Mary Geasland, The Junes, Margaret Vardeman, Marianne Marshall, Lois Brostrom. Our Military: Robert Isaacson

Hymn of Prayer “Let There Be Peace on Earth” UMH # 431

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Rev. Shana Dry

We Make Our Offering Together

Mission Moment Rev. Shana Dry

Thank you for your new or continued generosity toward God’s mission at Tahlequah UMC. When you give to Tahlequah UMC you are investing in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. TUMC has a global reach by helping various ministries locally and globally.

Giving Options at TUMC

Offerings can be mailed or dropped off at the church office, 300 W. Delaware, Tahlequah, Ok 74464, online Giving at, or through your Bank or Credit Union via Auto Check.

Offertory Prayer

Lord of our life, the path to you is straight, yet we waiver in our behavior like the Pharisees and Sadducees. Our hopes and dreams often are self-serving and materialistic. We rush through this season buying gifts that we hope will convey just the right message. However, you invite us to ask ourselves if we are equally as busy preparing messages that proclaim the Good News to a hurting world. Through giving, remind us again, O God, of the baptismal covenant.

This Advent, may we proclaim a message that is exemplified by our generosity, our kindness, and our prayers. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Choir Anthem: “Lo, how a Rose” Traditional: German

+Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” UMH # 94

We Hear the Word of God

Hymn of Preparation: “Down By the Jordan” TFWS # 2045

Scripture Reading Matthew 3:1-12 Rev. Shana Dry

Witness to the Word Rev. Shana Dry

Why get Excited

We Respond to the Word

+ Hymn of Invitation: “Spirit Song” UMH # 247


Go forth joyfully. God is with you. Bring peace and hope to all you meet. And may God’s eternal love shine through you always. AMEN.

+ Postlude: “Let’s Get Excited’

We Return to the World to Serve God

Getting to Know our Church Leaders

Bishop of the Oklahoma Annual Conference: Bishop Jimmy Nunn

Green Country District Superintendent: Rev. Terry Koehn

Pastor: Rev. Shana Dry

Administrative Assistant: Sara Webb

Family Ministries Director: Abigail Shaw-Bolen

Media Director: Lois Ison

Director of Music: Dr. Bob Daniel

Organist: Ramona Frazier

Director of Celebration Ringers: Linda Cheatham

This week’s liturgist: Sueann Freeman

The sign-up sheet for serving as liturgist is on the red clipboard in the narthex.

UMH= United Methodist Hymnal 1987 (The Red Book)

TFWS = The Faith We Sing (The Black Hymn Book)

W&S = Worship and Song (The Green Book)

CCLI #1551569 Streaming License #20483914

One License# 734087-A CLVI # #504347279

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