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TUMC Worship Info for 2.27.22

To find out about our covid protocols you can click here:

9 a.m. Sunday. School for All Ages Adult Zoom Option Available

10 a.m. Worship online on our Facebook Page and Youtube Channel

To Connect Online

For those with Facebook accounts:

Some of you are having difficulties in finding our videos of worship on Sunday mornings on Facebook. Here are a couple of tips. When you see a “get reminder” button on the video announcement. Click on that. Then whenever we go live, the reminder will pop up in your notifications and you can simply click on the notification to go straight to the video. OR….

The live video will be at the top.

REMEMBER: Our worship is also live on YouTube at the time and can be found at:

If you have questions please direct them to Pastor Matt at

Welcome to Worship for 2.20.22

The Liturgical Sunday is 7th Sunday After Epiphany

Our Liturgical Color: Green

Thank You for Joining Us in Worship Today

We Center Ourselves in Worship

Prelude Sanctuary Ramona Frazier

Welcome to Tahlequah United Methodist Church

· Welcome to Tahlequah United Methodist Church we strive to be a Church of Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors as we make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of ourselves and the world.

· If you are joining us in person, we ask that you register your attendance in the binders at the ends of the pews.

· For our online worshipers let us know in the comments section that you have joined us in worship.

· For prayer request you can fill out the yellow card in the pews and bring it up to the front to the prayer basket during the first hymn.

· To submit a prayer request online you can go to

· (+) means stand when able

· Thank you for joining us in worship today!

Call To Worship

Liturgist: The Lord reigns.All: Let the nations tremble. Liturgist: The Lord reigns. All: Let them praise God’s holy name. Liturgist: The Lord reigns. All: Let the peoples rejoice in awe and wonder. Liturgist The Lord reigns. All: Let them shout in exaltation!

Hymn: Shine Jesus Shine TFWS #2173

Prayer of Confession Liturgist

Liturgist: Lord, you call us to draw near, yet we fail to hear your voice. We sleepwalk through life, ignoring the needs of people all around us and worrying about our own desires. Forgive us: when we shut out the call to climb into your presence; when we make excuses to put off that journey. Have mercy on us, O Lord, as we silently open our hearts and confess our sins:

(Time of silence)

Hear our pleas, O God,and lift us to newness of life. Amen.

Words of Assurance All

All: We worship a forgiving God, whose mercy is never ending, whose heart abounds in steadfast love. Because of the love of Jesus Christ, nothing can separate us from the love of God.

The Reading of the Psalm Psalm 99

The Response after the Reading

Hymn We Are Standing on Holy Ground TFWS #2272

Congregational Prayer

All: Radiant Lord,you shine with purity, power, and truth. Your mercy reflects your compassion, your care, and your love. Transform us into your image as we seek to follow you. Use us to make your presence known throughout the world. In your strong name we pray. Amen.

Today we pray for…. Rev. Shana Dry

After each prayer request read: Pastor: Lord in your mercy, All: Hear our Prayer

The Pastor will lift any prayers that have been made known to the office. You can submit a prayer request by going to After each request the pastor will respond with Lord, Hear this prayer.

We Lift up: The United Methodist Church, Our Bishop Jimmy Nunn, and Our District Superintendent: Rev. Terry Koehn, Our Pastors Matt Franks and Shana Dry, The NSU Wesley Foundation, Our Little Sprouts Preschool, All of our Local Schools, All of our Health Care Workers, Our Teachers, Support Staffs, and School Administration, All our Assisted Living Church Members. All of our Government leaders, local, state and national. All struggling with Pandemic.

Our Church Family: Barbara Chambers, Maddie Cochran, Ellen Mathews, Monika Mann, John & Debbie Jensen, Cleo Hixon, Steve & Cindy Ullom, Pat and Vera Freeman, George Foster, Mary Geasland, Mildred Carol, Jo Ellen Rogers, Lela Stowers, The Junes,

Our Military: Robert Isaacson Seminary Student: Cody Robinson


We Make Our Offering Together

Mission Moment

Thank you for your new or continued generosity towards God’s mission at Tahlequah UMC. When you give to Tahlequah UMC you are investing in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. TUMC has a global reach by helping various ministries locally and globally.

Giving Options at TUMC

• In-person offerings may be dropped in the offering box in the Sanctuary at the entry/exit on Sundays.

• Offerings can also be mailed or dropped off at the church office 300 W. Delaware, Tahlequah Ok 74464

• Online Giving at

• Through your Bank or Credit Union via Auto Check

Offertory Prayer Liturgist

Generous God,it is through your mercy that we have this ministry— the ministry of our talents and treasure, the ministry of our passion and purpose. Strengthen our hearts for your service, and accept the grateful offerings we lay before you. Amen.

Special Music : Jesus Friend of Sinners by Casting Crowns By: Robert Johnson

We Hear The Word Proclaimed

Prayer of Illumination

By your Spirit, O God, enlighten our hearts, open our minds, fill our vision with your radiance, and give us life, as we hear your Word today. AMEN.

Scripture Reading Luke 9: 28-36 Pastor Shana Dry

Sermon: Mountaintop ExperiencesPastor Shana Dry

We Respond To The Word During this hymn if you want to come forward and spend some time at the kneeling rails to pray you are more than welcome to do so. If you need the Pastors to pray with you, please let them know. If you want to join our Church family today, please come forward and let us know so we can receive you into membership. Hymn: There’s Something About that name UMH 171

We are Sent out to love and to serve.

Announcements Connect with TUMC here:

Dismissal with Blessing

Closing Chorus: We are Marching TFWS #2235

God Be with you until we meet again.

CCLI #1551569 Streaming License #20483914

One License# 734087-A CLVI # #504347279

UMH= United Methodist Hymnal 1987 (The Red Book)

TFWS= The Faith We Sing (The Black Hymn Book)

W&S = Worship and Song (The Green Book)

Church Calendar for the Week

Office Hours 9- 12 p.m. & 1-3:00 p.m.


To Find the Full Church Calendar go here: ( )

This month's Newsletter can be found here: (Feb. Newsletter)

Sunday, February 27th

8:30 a.m. TUMC Worship Walkthrough

9 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages

10 a.m. Celebration Worship in Sanctuary

11:15 a.m. Missions lunch in AB Gym

4 p.m. Youth Group (AB Youth room)

5:00 p.m. Mindy Baker’s BBall Team in AB Gym

5:30 p.m. Confirmation class

6: 30 p.m. Jennifer Walkers basketball team in AB Gym

Monday, February 28th

Tuesday, March 1st

6:30 a.m. Men’s bible study at McDonalds

12 p.m. Noon Day Zoom Prayer Time

1 p.m. Care Team (Room 305)

2 p.m. Kiwanis Pancake Dinner in AB

4 p.m. Sew Blessed Quilters (Room 309)

6 p.m. Overeaters Anonymous (Room 303)

Wednesday, March 2nd

4:30 Bell Choir (Parlor)

5:30 p.m. Reconnect Class room 301

6:30 Ash Wednesday Service

7 p.m. Adult Choir (Sanctuary)

Thursday, March 3rd

9:30 a.m. Little Sprouts Chapel (Sanctuary)

10 a.m. FMS Setup (AB Gym)

5 p.m. Feed My Sheep Meal (AB Gym)

5:30 Girl Scout Troop 1226 (Parlor)

Friday, March 4th

Saturday, March 5th

Sunday, March 6th

8:30 a.m. TUMC Worship Walkthrough

9 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages

10 a.m. Celebration Worship (Sanctuary)

4 p.m. Youth Group (Activities Building Youth Room)

5 p.m. Mindy Baker BBall Team (AB Gym)

5:30 p.m. Confirmation Class

6: 30 p.m. Jennifer Walkers basketball team (AB Gym)

Online Ministry Groups

When the pandemic hit, we shifted and created some ministries to happen via zoom and other platforms as we begin to return, we will shift to more of a hybrid approach for ministry. Below are our groups that are meeting in a hybrid style or just on zoom. To register for the zoom study by going to

2022 Church Camp Dates:

You can find the 2022 Camp Egan Summer Camp Dates here: if you are interested in helping or attending a camp please contact Abigail.

Easter 2022 Sunday, April 17th, 2022

We had such a good response for our Worship Experience at Egan we want to offer that again. So we will have worship at TUMC at 9:30 a.m. and we will have worship at Egan at 11 a.m. We will have an Easter Egg Hunt and we will offer a Catered Lunch at Egan following worship more information will be shared later but we wanted to get this on people’s calendars now.

Monday Night Zoom Study Info

Monday night’s at 6:30 p.m. Zoom Bible Study Group Register here:

New Study Starting 2/28/22 24 Hours That Changed The World by Adam Hamilton.

About the Book: No single event in human history has received more attention than the suffering and crucifixion

of Jesus of Nazareth. In this book. Adam Hamilton guides us through the last twenty-four hours of Jesus' life. Each chapter is designed to help the reader experience and understand the significance of Jesus' suffering and death in a way you have never done before. Whether readers are long-time Christians or simply curious about the story of Christ's crucifixion, they are invited to join the author in retracing the last 24 hours of Jesus' life.

Pastor Shana’s Lenten Study Info

Sunday March 6th at 11 a.m. Join Pastor Shana for an enlightening, thought-provoking study, Witness at the Cross, by Amy-Jill Levine.

Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex.

Zoom Option Sign Ups at

About the Study: The story of Jesus’s death is not something we just read: we think about it, and we experience it; we hear the taunts of the soldiers, the priests, and the passersby even as we hear the famous “seven last words” from the cross.

Beyond The Broken Heart

This class is good for anyone who has experienced loss or is grieving. Pastor Shana will be leading an eight-week support and grief ministry program, readers will find comfort and both spiritual and practical guidance during their grief journey. The Grief class will begin on March 8th.

We will offer 2 classes every Tuesday. One at 10am and one at 6pm.

This class will go for 6 weeks.

Grief is not a crisis of faith;

it is a crisis of the heart.


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