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TUMC Worship Info for 8.7.22

Updated: Aug 4, 2022

9 a.m. Sunday. School for All Ages Adult Zoom Option Available

10 a.m. Worship online on our Facebook Page and Youtube Channel

To Connect Online

For those with Facebook accounts:

Some of you are having difficulties in finding our videos of worship on Sunday mornings on Facebook. Here are a couple of tips. When you see a “get reminder” button on the video announcement. Click on that. Then whenever we go live, the reminder will pop up in your notifications and you can simply click on the notification to go straight to the video. OR….

The live video will be at the top.

REMEMBER: Our worship is also live on YouTube at the time and can be found at:

To find out about our covid protocols you can click here:

Welcome to Worship for 6.12.22

Trinity Sunday Thank You for Joining Us Today

We Center Ourselves in Worship

Prelude Organist: Roman Frazier

Welcome to Tahlequah United Methodist Church Rev. George Warren

Welcome to Tahlequah United Methodist Church we strive to be a Church of Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors as we make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of ourselves and the world.

· If you are joining us in person, we ask that you register your attendance in the binders at the ends of the pews.

· For prayer request you can fill out the yellow card in the pews and bring it up to the front to the prayer basket during the first hymn.

· To submit a prayer request online you can go to our website

· (+) means stand when able

Announcements Connect with TUMC here:

Call To Worship 1 Peter 2:9-10 Liturgist

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.”

We are hungry for the bread of heaven.

Jesus said, “The bread of God gives life to the world.”

We are hungry for eternal life.

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

We are here to become what we already are: the body of Christ, food for a hungry world..

Hymn of Praise O’ For A Thousand Tongues to Sing UMH #57

Prayer of Confession (2 Samuel 11–12, Psalm 51, John 6)

Samuel 11–12, Psalm 51, John 6) Liturgist

Tender, loving God, have mercy on us.

Like David, we have been greedy, grasping for what is not ours even though we have enough.

We have forgotten your promise: that you will fill us with the bread of life.

Like the crowd that followed Jesus to Capernaum, yet did not understand what he had given them, we seek bread for our bodies more than we seek the bread of heaven.

Forget our sins, take away our guilt. Purge us with hyssop, and we shall be clean.

Tender, loving God, have mercy on us.

Words of Assurance: (Psalm 51) Liturgist

When we repent, God creates in us a new heart, and puts a new and right spirit within us. In the name of Christ, you are forgiven.

In the name of Christ, you are forgiven. Glory to God. Amen.

Today we pray for…. Rev. Shana Dry

For prayer request you can fill out the yellow card in the pews and bring it up to the front to the prayer basket during the first hymn. To submit a prayer request online you can go to our website

After each prayer request read: Pastor: Lord in your mercy, All: Hear our Prayer

We Lift up: The United Methodist Church, Our Bishop Jimmy Nunn, and Our District Superintendent: Rev. Terry Koehn, Our Pastors Matt Franks and Shana Dry, The NSU Wesley Foundation, Our Little Sprouts Preschool, All of our Local Schools, All of our Health Care Workers, Our Teachers, Support Staffs, and School Administration, All our Assisted Living Church Members. All of our Government leaders, local, state and national. All struggling with Pandemic.

Our Church Family: Barbara Chambers, Monika Mann, John & Debbie Jensen, Cleo Hixon, Steve & Cindy Ullom, Pat and Vera Freeman, George Foster, Mary Geasland, The Junes, Margaret Vardeman, Mary Ann Marshall, Lois Brostrom, Gerald & Lela Stowers, Patty Skinner, Gail Heaton Melanie Moden

Our Military: Robert Isaacson

Pastoral Prayer Rev. Shana Dry

The Lords Prayer Rev. Shana dry

Hymn: What a Friend We Have In Jesus UMH#526

We Make Our Offering Together

Mission Moment Rev. Shana Dry

Thank you for your new or continued generosity towards God’s mission at Tahlequah UMC. When you give to Tahlequah UMC you are investing in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. TUMC has a global reach by helping various ministries locally and globally.

Giving Options at TUMC

Offerings can be mailed or dropped off at the church office 300 W. Delaware, Tahlequah Ok 74464 Online Giving at Or Through your Bank or Credit Union via Auto Check

Offertory Prayer Rev. Shana Dry

Well, here we are, Lord. “Another day, another dollar,” as they say. But it’s also another day that is a gift from you—a gift of life and love and joy and challenge and grace and… all of what we call “our life”. Thank you, Lord, for this amazing gift! Now we give back to you what you have first given to us. This is our way of saying that you are first in our lives. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Special Music Restore Me by Michael Flowers Sung by: Elizabeth Masters

+Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH# 95

We Hear The Word Proclaimed

Scripture Reading: John 6: 24-35 Rev. Shana Dry

Witness to the Word: What are You Eating? Rev. Shana Dry

We Respond To The Word

+Hymn of Response “He Touched Me” UMH #367

If you would like to join our church or be baptized, come forward.

If you just need someone to listen, come forward.

If you need prayer, come to the altar- I’ll turn my mic off and we’ll get to work.

During Communion Anthem: In remembrance for Communion

Prayer: Eternal God, heavenly Father, you have graciously accepted us as living members of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, and you have fed us with spiritual food in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood. Send us now into the world in peace, and grant us strength and courage to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

+Benediction Rev. George Warren

As you have been fed at this table, go to feed the hungry. As you have been set free, go to set free the imprisoned. As you have received, give. As you have heard, proclaim. And the blessing that you have received from Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be always with you. AMEN.

+Closing Hymn Lord, You have Come to the Lakeshore UMH #344

Postlude Organist: Ramona Frazier

od Be With You Until We Meet Again

CCLI #1551569 Streaming License #20483914

One License# 734087-A CLVI # #504347279

UMH= United Methodist Hymnal 1987 (The Red Book)

FWS= The Faith We Sing (The Black Hymn Book)

W&S = Worship and Song (The Green Book)

Get to Know the Church

Bishop of the Oklahoma Annual Conference: Bishop Jimmy Nunn

Green Country District Superintendent: Rev. Terry Koehn

Pastor: Rev. Shana Dry

Administrative Assistant: Sara

Family Ministries Director: Abigail Shaw-Bolen

Director of Music: Dr. Bob Daniel

Director of Celebration Ringers: Linda Cheatham

This week’s liturgist: Sueann Freeman

The sign-up sheet for the liturgist is on the red clipboard in the narthex.

Connect with TUMC here:


Church Calendar for the Week of 8/7-8/15

Office Hours 9- 12 p.m. & 1-3:00 p.m.


Sunday, August 7th

9 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages

10 a.m. Celebration Worship in Sanctuary

4 p.m. Youth Group (AB Youth room)

Monday, August 8th

11:30-7:30 Keep Tahlequah Cool (AB Gym)

1:30 Staff Meeting in Parlor

Tuesday, August 9th

11:30-7:30 Keep Tahlequah Cool (AB Gym)

1 p.m. Care Team (Room 305)

4 p.m. SEW Blessed Quilters (Room 309)

6 p.m. Overeaters Anonymous (Room 303)

Wednesday, August 10th

11:30-7:30 Keep Tahlequah Cool (AB Gym)

Thursday, August 11th

11:30-7:30 Keep Tahlequah Cool (AB Gym)

10 a.m. FMS Setup (AB Gym)

5 p.m. Feed My Sheep Meal (AB Gym)

Friday, August 12th

11:30-7:30 Keep Tahlequah Cool (AB Gym)

Saturday, August 13th

12 p.m. Society for Creative Anachronism

Sunday, August 14th

9 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages

10 a.m. Celebration Worship in Sanctuary

11:15 Board Meeting in Parlor

4 p.m. Youth Group (AB Youth room)

Monday August 15th


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