Join us Sunday Morning at 10 a.m.
This Sunday we will kick off a new sermon series called Short Stories by Jesus. Below you will find the bulletin and other information to connect into our church. You can connect to all of our social media by clicking this link:
Sunday’s Bulletin TUMC-6.21.2020
Connect, Serve and Grow Guide CSG-6.21.2020

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kids First at Tahlequah UMC is launching its first at-home/virtual VBS program, called Compassion Camp: Be Loved. Be Kind. Be You.
The VBS will run on Mondays in July on the Tahlequah UMC Facebook Page at
Those that will register will get a packet full of all the printed activities that will go along with Facebook Live Video that will go live every Monday in July at 10 a.m.
We will be contacting you later in June on how we can best get the packet to you.
If you have questions or want to help please contact Ashley Franks at
To Register, you can go to our website and click on the VVBS logo or you can go to our direct link here:
VVBS items we are needing.
Smallest pkg of crayons
Snack-size ziplock bags
Individually wrapped cookies or snacks
These items can be dropped off at the office between the hours of 9-12 Monday-Thursday