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Worship info for 10.24.21

To find out about our covid protocols you can click here:

9 a.m. Sunday. School for All Ages

10 a.m. Worship online on our Facebook Page and Youtube Channel

To Connect Online

For those with Facebook accounts:

Some of you are having difficulties in finding our videos of worship on Sunday mornings on Facebook. Here are a couple of tips. When you see a “get reminder” button on the video announcement. Click on that. Then whenever we go live, the reminder will pop up in your notifications and you can simply click on the notification to go straight to the video. OR….

The live video will be at the top.

REMEMBER: Our worship is also live on YouTube at the time and can be found at:

If you have questions please direct them to Pastor Matt at

Welcome to Worship for 10.24.21

The Liturgical Sunday is 22nd Sunday After Pentecost

Our Liturgical Color: Green

Thank You for Joining Us in Worship Today

CCLI #1551569 Streaming License #20483914 One License# 734087-A

UMH= United Methodist Hymnal 1987 (The Red Book)

TFWS= The Faith We Sing (The Black Hymn Book) W&S = Worship and Song (The Green Book)

(+) means stand when able

We Center Ourselves in Worship

Prelude Ramona Frazier

Welcome to Tahlequah United Methodist Church Rev. Matt Franks

· Thank you for joining us in worship today!

· For our online viewers: Let us know in the comments line that you have joined us in worship.

· For those joining us in person we ask that you fill out the binder info so that we can connect better with you.

· For prayer request you can fill out the yellow card in the pews and bring it up to the front to the prayer basket during the first hymn.

· To submit a prayer request online you can go to

· We are blessed by your presence today and to find out more about us scan the QR code below.

Invitation to Experience and Share Joy Rev. Matt Franks

In this last quarter of the year, we will work towards experiencing and sharing joy, This year we have committed to live to have hope for the future, to live in peace, to love unconditionally, and to know and share the joy of the Lord so that with God’s help we will transform the world. To know the joy of the world. Simply smile and know that God loves you. And as we worship today: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in faith so that you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is here, let us worship the God who brings us joy in the morning.

(+) Opening Hymn: A Place At the Table W&S 3149

1. For everyone born, a place at the table, for everyone born, clean water and bread, a shelter, a space, a safe place for growing for everyone born, a star overhead,

5. For everyone born, a place at the table, to live without fear, and simply to be, to work, to speak out,

to witness and worship, for everyone born, the right to be free.

Refrain: and God will delight when we are creators of justice and joy, compassion and peace: yes, God will delight when we are creators of justice, justice and joy!

A Modern Affirmation UMH 885 Liturgist

Leader: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the one true church, apostolic and universal, whose holy faith lets us now declare:

All: We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power and love, whose mercy is over all his works, and whose will is ever directed to his children’s good.

We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, the gift of the Father’s unfailing grace, the ground of our hope and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death.

We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ, and find strength and help in time of need.

We believe that this faith should manifest itself in the service of love as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord, to the end that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth. Amen.

The Gospel Reading: Mark 10:46-52 Liturgist

The Chancel Choir Ascription of Praise Schwoebel

We Offer Our Prayers Together

Congregational Prayer Liturgist

All: Great and loving God, we thank you for the teachings and life of Jesus Christ through whom we come to know you. We acknowledge that sometimes what we learn from him is difficult, Lord. We are not readily given to self-denial or cross-bearing, so we ask for faith and courage to follow in the ways of Jesus. Give us a bolder vision of who we can be in you. Grant us deeper compassion for others that our selfishness might not overwhelm us. Inspire us to love and give to others as a thankful response to your love and gifts for us. For the sake of Christ we pray. Amen.

Today we pray for…. Rev. Matt Franks

After each prayer request read: Pastor: God of Love, All: Hear our Prayer

The Pastor will lift any prayers that have been made known to the office. You can submit a prayer request by going to After each request the pastor will respond with Lord, Hear this prayer.

We Lift up: The United Methodist Church, Our Bishop Jimmy Nunn, and Our District Superintendent: Rev. Terry Koehn, Our Pastors Matt Franks and Matt Franks, The NSU Wesley Foundation, Our Little Sprouts Preschool, All of our Local Schools, All of our Health Care Workers, Our Teachers, Support Staffs, and School Administration, All our Assisted Living Church Members. All of our Government leaders, local, state and national.

Our Church Family: Barbara Chambers, Maddie Cochran, Ellen Mathews, Monika Mann, John & Debbie Jensen, Cleo Hixon, Steve & Cindy Ullom, Pat and Vera Freeman, Kyle Rozell, George Foster, Bob Scarsdale, Mary Geasland, Mildred Carol, Jo Ellen Rogers, Lela Stowers, The Junes, Skylar Green,

Our Military: Robert Isaacson, Seminary Student: Cody Robinson

Pastoral Prayer Rev. Matt Franks

The Lord’s Prayer Liturgist

ALL: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Hymn: Glory Be To The Father UMH 70

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

We Make Our Offering Together

Mission Moment

Thank you for your new or continued generosity towards God’s mission at Tahlequah UMC. When you give to Tahlequah UMC you are investing in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. TUMC has a global reach by helping various ministries locally and globally.

Giving Options at TUMC

• In-person offerings may be dropped in the offering box in the Sanctuary at the entry/exit on Sundays.

• Offerings can also be mailed or dropped off at the church office 300 W. Delaware, Tahlequah Ok 74464

• Online Giving at

• Through your Bank or Credit Union via Auto Check

Offertory Prayer Liturgist

All: Redeeming Lord, we continually seek your comfortable refuge. You deliver us from our unfounded fears and provide us with miraculous examples of your love. In response, we offer these gifts. We pray that these funds will provide an outreach that warms people with your resplendent love. As a church community, we exalt and praise your holy name. Amen.

(+) Hymn: Breathe on me, Breath of God UMH 420

1. Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew, that I may love what thou dost love, and do what thou wouldst do.

2. Breathe on me, Breath of God, until my heart is pure, until with thee I will one will, to do and to endure

We Hear The Word Proclaim

Sermon Series: The Joy of A Bigger Table Sermon Title: Don’t Be Afraid to make your Table Bigger

Scripture Base: Luke 15:1-2

Given by Rev. Matt Franks Associate Lead Pastor at Tahlequah UMC

We Respond To The Word

During this hymn if you want to come forward and spend some time at the kneeling rails to pray you are more than welcome to do so. If you need the Pastors to pray with you, please let them know. If you want to join our Church family today, please come forward and let us know so we can receive you into membership.

Hymn of Response: We Set Our Hope In Jesus LANCASHIRE D

("The Day of Resurrection")

Text: Copyright © 2021 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.

We set our hope in Jesus whose grace we have received. We trust that he will lead us as we roll up our sleeves. With great anticipation of what we're called to do, we join in celebration as God does something new.

We wonder at the struggles — the challenges we'll face. Like those who came before us, we'll need God's gift of grace. We'll take the yoke Christ gives us; we're ready to say "Yes!" For God in Christ has called us to preach and heal and bless.

We cannot stay in towers we think that we deserve; For ministry that matters, we need to kneel and serve. We need the mud of mission, the grime of ministry, We're called to serve with daring as we roll up our sleeves.

Where youth are asking questions, where people live in pain, where strangers face unwelcome, where racist ways remain, where people need a message that heals and claims and frees — God, give to us your Spirit, as we roll up our sleeves!

We are Sent out to love and to serve.

Announcements Keep up with events at Rev. Matt Franks

Benediction Rev. Matt Franks

Choir Closing Ascription of Praise

Thank you for joining us today in worship.

This week’s Discipleship Opportunities

Office Hours 9- 12 p.m. & 1-3:00 p.m.


Sunday, October 24th

8:30 a.m. TUMC Worship Walkthrough

9 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages

10 a.m. Celebration Worship in Sanctuary

4 p.m. Youth Group in the Activities Building

6:30 p.m. Jennifer Walkers basketball Team in the AB Gym

7 p.m. Next Steps Gathering (Parlor & Zoom

Monday October 25th

6:30 p.m. Zoom Adult Bible Study

Tuesday October 26th

12 p.m. Noon Zoom Prayer you can register on the website at

1 p.m. Care Team (305)

4 p.m. SEW Blessed Quilters (309)

6 p.m. Basketball team in the AB Gym

Wednesday October 27th

4:30 p.m. Bell Choir

5:45 p.m. Basketball team in the AB Gym

7 p.m. Adult Choir

6:30 p.m. The Pastors Table

Thursday October 28th

9:30 a.m. Little Sprouts Chapel (sanctuary)

11 a.m. Koinonia (Atrium)

5 p.m. Feed My Sheep Meal in Activities Building

5:30 p.m. Girl Scout Troop 1126 (Parlor)

6:30 p.m. TUMC Board Personal Team (303)

Sunday October 31st

8:30 a.m. TUMC Worship Walkthrough

9 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages

10 a.m. Celebration Worship in Sanctuary

4 p.m. Youth Group in the Activities Building

4:30 p.m. Trunk Or Treat South Parking Lot of the Activity building

6:30 Jennifer Walkers Basketball team in the AB Gym

Apportionment Balance as of 9.29.21

District Apportionments $3,686/$3,686

Conference Apportionments $10,409/$31,685

Mission and Ministries $1,508/$7,239

Building Debt as of 10.12.21 $152,721.07

To let us know where you would like to serve in 2022 click this link:

Online Ministry Groups

When the pandemic hit, we shifted and created some ministries to happen via zoom and other platforms as we begin to return we will shift to more of a hybrid approach for ministry. You can find those groups here:

Monday Night Zoom Bible Study

Register for the zoom study by going to

Our Tuesday Noon Zoom Prayer is a time where we pray for each other, our community, and the world. You can register for it (here)


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